Service Production

  • Production management, logistics, locations in mid Europe and Romania
  • Location archive: Europe, Austria, Tirol, Osttirol, Südtirol, Vorarlberg, Salzburg, Kärnten, Oberösterreich, Steiermark, Niederösterreich, Italien, Frankreich, Romania, Canada, South America, Central America, Indonesia, New Zealand
  • Location management: legal affairs, working with local authorities, filmservice, productionservice in tirol
  • Crewbooking: makeup artists, drivers, propmaster, production assistant, light and grip, DOP, Directors
  • Equipment rental: austrian setphones, walkie talkies, Avalanche Beacons, etc.
  • Stuntcoordination: ski, snowboard, stuntmen, crevasses, bombing avalanches, snowboard, extremeskiing, hanggliding, kayak, freestyle, skiing, snowboarding, precisiondriver on snow, etc.
  • Script consulting
  • Housing
  • Catering

catering alpine IMG_6852

Location Scouting

winterliche Traumlandschaft direkt neben der Strasse in Tirol

The Alps offer various different landscapes and architecture. From classic more than 100 years old chalets to outstanding modern architecture.

Our alpine locations stood in for Antarctica, Norway, Himalaya, Canada and various other places already in our backyard.

Our biggest bonus is the perfect infrastructure in terms of streets or cable cars. We can approach eternal ice by car or truck and offer spectacular mountain views by only a short cable car ride or even directly from the road. Especially the touristic infrastructure of Tirol offers the possibility to reach great locations.

winterliche Traumlandschaft direkt neben der Strasse in Tirol


TV Productions

Filmdreh in Gletscherspalte/ Shoot in a crevasse on a glacier

Jungle Productions is your one stop shop for a wide range of services in the film industry.

  • Commercials
  • Documentaries
  • Sports TV shows
  • Events live transmissions
  • Video editing
  • DVD production

beatuiful location just beside the road


Ian Fleming Dokumentary, reenactments Telemark Style - March 2013

Alpine moveable 2nd unit team

  • 16 or 35 mm,
  • HD camera
  • RED
  • Alexa
  • Canon 5 D, 7 D

Tracking shots pov on

  • ski, snowboard
  • snowmobiles
  • quads
  • motorbikes

Setphotos, event photography, stills

Channel4 - The Jump - 2013-12_1335

Assdolly, quick solution for a tracking shot


Alpine consulting

Tommy Bonapace - high alpine rigging
  • Alpine safety, ropeworks, rigging, snow constructions, ramps bivuacs, igloos, etc
  • Script development, we can help to create realistic stories
  • We work together with film experienced mountainguides
  • Contacts with top companies in alpine sports industry make product placement thinkable
  • Clothes, skies, snowboards, glasses, goggles etc

Tommy Bonapace - high alpine rigging IMG_0782

commercial for ski bindings

Location Management

Bezi copy?
  • No project too small, no project too big
  • Good organization to bring home beautiful footage
  • Contacts all over the alps
  • Experience from Hollywood feature movies to low budget art short films
  • From Locationscouting to budgeting, producing and postproducing

transports in alpine environment is a sensitive topic


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