Shooting on location in Zermatt for Austrian Television Servus TV, on the famous Matterhorn - a dream comes true! For Planetwatch who organized the shoot in a great way, i was helping out as mountaineering audio man. Was a great trip to the Matterhorn, where some days before the speedrecord of climbing the Northwall was done. Except of 2 peopel in the northface our crew were the only people on this usual quite crowded mountain. maybe the wintery conditions held other mountaineers down. the Matterhorn was climbed for the first time 150 years ago and Servus TV will do an outstanding tv production to celebrate this strong action by Sir Whymper and his friends.
Location scouting was a tricky one in this case, as we needed a lift operator willing to let us use his lift and stop it occasionally during the day. The lift had to be an "oldschool" one with obviously great surrounding snowy alpine landscape and logistic doable to bring crew and cast there.
In the heart of the Austian Alps, in the lovely province of Salzburg we scouted the ultimate location. Flexible and understanding locationowners made it possible to do this shoot during a great winterday. The shots of the cables and rolls high up on the lift poles were done by Bezi Freinademetz, as a mountainguide he was the only one allowed by the locationowner to enter these high structures.
mirror, mirror on the wall
Pizza for lunchbreak
creative solutions
nice camerawagon
great scenery great light
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Olala no time for location scouting ... the very sympathic arthouse cinema movie production Velvetfilms from Paris were in desperate need for snow. As after having two disappointing experiences in the french and the italian alps, they came north and found what they were searching for: Snow, which was really hard to find in this "early winter". Within 4 days of prepare time we needed to scout locations for a Crosscountry World Cup Stadion, beautiful crosscountry trails in great nature and some small indoor locations. obviously logistic doable with a full set up cinema unit with 40 people crew, 50 extras, 4 trucks, 2 sprinters, 4 vans, some cars etc... challenge accepted and mission accomplished.
Difficult to find snow these days. In the end the Locationscouting on highalpine roads was successfull and the flexibility of our tyrolean locationowners helped again massively.
Shooting in a crevasse for German television, ZDF Terra Xpress.
Filming in a crevasse on 3000m, reenactment for a documentary about an 70 year old alpinist who fell into a crevasse in the Tyrolean Alps and survived for 6 days.
Preparing the crevasse for shooting was a challenge. it was made possible by some mountain guides in close cooperation with the skiresort technicians.
Locationscouting for this Audi commercial was tricky, as the snowconditions were quite limited and we had to build some ramps and jumps from snow on a great place with great scenery... In the end we found this great place, and with the help of the touristboard we were able to make this shoot happen.
To film the hardest enduro ralley in the world requires navigation and enduro skills. Its great fun and really hard work at the same time. the carpathian forests and mountains are breathtaking.
Romanian Landscape is amazing, people are friendly and have a lot of understanding for filmpeople!
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Production management, logistics, locations in mid Europe and Romania
Location archive: Europe, Austria, Tirol, Osttirol, Südtirol, Vorarlberg, Salzburg, Kärnten, Oberösterreich, Steiermark, Niederösterreich, Italien, Frankreich, Romania, Canada, South America, Central America, Indonesia, New Zealand
Location management: legal affairs, working with local authorities, filmservice, productionservice in tirol
Crewbooking: makeup artists, drivers, propmaster, production assistant, light and grip, DOP, Directors
Equipment rental: austrian setphones, walkie talkies, Avalanche Beacons, etc.
Stuntcoordination: ski, snowboard, stuntmen, crevasses, bombing avalanches, snowboard, extremeskiing, hanggliding, kayak, freestyle, skiing, snowboarding, precisiondriver on snow, etc.
Script consulting
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